Home In the Press Article featured in Yoga International

Article featured in Yoga International

by Arundhati Baitmangalkar

Arundhati wrote an article, “Yoga in India vs. Yoga in America“, originally published on Seattle Yoga News.

In this article, Arundhati talks about her personal observations on the differences between how yoga is practiced and understood in both the East and the West. She discusses the high popularity of yoga among the masses in America as opposed to India, the differences in dynamic between teacher and student, and touches on the multi-billion dollar industry built around ‘yoga clothing’. In India, it’s not about the trends. Practitioners can be found practicing yoga in their traditional sari’s and other simple attire. It is about integrating the practice of yoga into your every day activities, no matter what you’re wearing. This became a worthy mention in a recent article published on Yoga International.

Arundhati’s article has been featured and quoted in Yoga International’s recent post on “The Politics of Yoga Pants“. Read more to find out how others have absorbed her words, and how they have shaped their ideas on the yoga clothing industry in America.

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