Can Yoga poses help in improving our balance? The answer is YES! The practice of certain yoga poses as well as a general yoga practice will help better balance, both physically …
Urdhva Mukha Swanasana or upward facing dog and Bhujangasana or low cobra, are both backward bending poses. While most yoga students and teachers alike think of these as the same pose, they …
Pregnancy is a milestone in a woman’s life. Giving birth to another being is considered the ultimate epitome of being a woman. From the yogic point of view, the time …
Yoga poses are very versatile. The same pose can be applied differently for various benefits. Think of any food item, let’s take flour, for instance – we can use it …
Shavasana is almost everybody’s favorite pose. Every class of practitioners I have taught love to do a long shavasana, but sometimes this pose can be overlooked. Outwardly, it appears effortless …
Have you been in a yoga class where the yoga teacher opened or ended with ‘namaste‘? Were you left wondering why they were doing that? Have you wondered what the …
During our Ask Me Anything challenge in November, we got a really relevant question from one of our followers, Kathy. She wants to know how to stay injury free in …
Hemorrhoids is a common problem amongst people. It can happen to anyone. Men are usually a little more affected by this than women. But the good new? It can be …
We got such great questions during our Ask Me Anything yoga challenge this November. We had a lot of questions about safe yoga practice, injuries, lifestyle and the practice of …
Do you stare at a bright computer screen all day long? Do you notice that your eyes feel hot, tired and heavy as the day progresses? Did you know that …