Ever feel like you’re always on the go and there’s never enough calm or time? Is there something that’s always coming up – that needs to get done or someone needs you all the time? If you just answered yes, then this blog is perfect for you. No matter where you are or what you’re up to – this ‘5 minutes to calm’ will help not just slow down your day but also transform it for the better. So let’s get right to it.
Sit straight wherever you are, in a chair or on the floor. All you need is an open chest and an upright spine
Fold the first two fingers to the root of the thumb. We’ll use the thumb and ring fingers to close and open the nasal passages

Close your eyes (after you finish reading this blogpost 😉 ) Take a few breaths in and out. Start noticing your breath. Slow it down
Close your right nostril with your thumb, breathe in through the left. Let this breath be as slow and as long as you can make it comfortably

Close both nostrils and slow open the right and exhale. Let the exhale be slow and steady. Do as many rounds as you can without straining or forcing the breath in any way

After about 3 minutes, slowly get your exhalations to be longer than your inhalations
This is very soothing for the mind.
When you’re done, inhale and let go of your nasal hand grip. Sit for just a few more moments and savor your own breath before letting your eyes come open.
If you have the time and space, even after your eyes are open. Just take a moment to notice your everything around you and then calmly return to the task at hand.
More about this practice…
In Yoga, this comes from the art of pranayama and is called, Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breath. While there is much more to this intricate practice, I hope you’ll use this to get not only calm during your day but also a little more familiar with your breath.
Do your best to carry this sense of calm and silence with you for the rest of the day and use it as your secret weapon as you navigate the day ahead.