ORIGINAL NAME: Prasarita Padottanasana ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Standing wide leg forward fold (prasarita = spread, Pada = feet, uttana = intense, asana = pose) LEVEL – Beginner BENEFITS: This pose stretches the backs of the legs – …
The ever famous Adhomukha Swanasana. More commonly known as downward facing dog pose – a simple yet powerful yoga pose. Learn how to get the best downward dog in your yoga …
ORIGINAL NAME: Chaturanga Dandasana ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Four limb staff pose (Chatur = four, anga = four, danda = staff, pose = asana) LEVEL – Intermediate TECHNIQUE – Start in Adhomukha …
The British empire ruled over India for nearly 200 years. During this period, India underwent immense change in many aspects. Specifically for yoga, there is little record kept during this …
Are you a new yoga teacher looking to grow a sustainable, lifelong career? Read this article with the top 5 tips for new yoga teachers out there! The statistics are …
The Guru-shishya parampara was vibrant and an integral part of the Indian society. It thrived and flourished for centuries. When there was a need to pass on any spiritual, powerful …
Honestly, we are overwhelmed by the response from our 15 day yoga challenge.It started out as a simple, motivate more people to think, talk and do yoga kinda project. We are blown …
Sun salutations have been part of the yogic tradition for thousands of years, and were originally called Surya Namaskar. ‘Surya’ means the sun and ‘Namaskar’ means salutations. Sun salutations are …
We woke up on a routine weekday morning and found an email in our inbox. We get a lot of junk email day to day and did not expect anything different …
To be honest with you, most of the people who come to our studio find all of our information on our website. Our practitioners do a great job of taking …