I was very new to yoga practice and had already signed up for my first yoga teacher training when I lived in India. During my first yoga teacher training I was introduced to …
If you don’t already know, up here in Seattle, we do not get as much sun as the rest of the country does. In fact, a lot of our days …
Redmond is the biking capital of Washington state. And May is bicycle month. Almost everyone I know jumps onto a bike every summer. Some (like me) do it for recreational fun on …
Pranayama is an integral part of Yoga. It can be most easily understood as the yogic art of breathing. This does not mean a mere inhale and exhale. Pranayama is much …
As a women doing Yoga, I was lucky enough to be with teachers who understood the human body and a women’s well-being very well. My yoga teachers taught me from …
PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA ORIGINAL NAME: Prasarita Padottanasana ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Standing wide leg forward fold (prasarita = spread, Pada = feet, uttana = intense, asana = pose) LEVEL – Beginner BENEFITS: Strengthens the quadriceps, gluts …
As 2016 comes to a close, we relish in the opportunity to reflect back on this past year at Aham Yoga. We are walking down memory lane through our blog, Living Yoga, …
Can Yoga poses help in improving our balance? The answer is YES! The practice of certain yoga poses as well as a general yoga practice will help better balance, both physically …
Urdhva Mukha Swanasana or upward facing dog and Bhujangasana or low cobra, are both backward bending poses. While most yoga students and teachers alike think of these as the same pose, they …