Hemorrhoids is a common problem amongst people. It can happen to anyone. Men are usually a little more affected by this than women. But the good new? It can be healed and prevented through the practice of yoga and leading a life of mindful choices.
What are hemorrhoids
- Also known as piles, hemorrhoids are formed with the veins around the anus are enlarged, engorged with blood, and irritated.
- Symptoms include discomfort, itchiness, and/or swelling around the anus.
What are the main causes of Hemorrhoids?
- Consistent heavy lifting / strain.
- Obesity, or having other constant strain on the body.
- Standing too much without taking a break to sit.
- Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet.
- Straining during bowel movements.
- Diarrhea.
- Anal intercourse.
- Pregnancy.
- A diet low in fiber.
Yoga poses for Hemorrhoids
Vipreeta Karani – Legs Up The Wall
Pavanamuktasana – Wind Releasing Pose.

Malasana – Garland Pose
Matsyasana – Fish Pose
This pose helps to pool the blood in the pelvic region of the body as well. It is also a good pose for stimulating the digestive organs, and to improving breathing, bringing about a sense of lightness in the chest cavity.