“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.” Sri. TVK …
yoga teacher training
Our top 10 favorite yoga quotes by yoga legend BKS Iyengar. I must admit that it was a not an easy task to narrow down this list to only 10 quotes. …
ORIGINAL NAME: Prasarita Padottanasana ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Standing wide leg forward fold (prasarita = spread, Pada = feet, uttana = intense, asana = pose) LEVEL – Beginner BENEFITS: This pose stretches the backs of the legs – …
Sun salutations have been part of the yogic tradition for thousands of years, and were originally called Surya Namaskar. ‘Surya’ means the sun and ‘Namaskar’ means salutations. Sun salutations are …
When I did my first yoga teacher training course in 2011 in Bangalore, India I had limited options to pick from. Not knowing what to look for, I relied completely …
I recently published an article in the Seattle Yoga News about the differences in how the East (India) and the West (America) approach yoga. Do read and let me know what …