Home Practice 25+ Self-Care Practices for Yoga Teachers

25+ Self-Care Practices for Yoga Teachers

by Arundhati Baitmangalkar

As December unfolds, many of us at Aham Yoga HQ are taking time to reflect on the past year while also looking forward to the new one. This month, the cold and slower pace offer the perfect opportunity to prioritize self-care. For yoga teachers, the job often appears calm and graceful, but we know it takes more behind the scenes. Caring for your own well-being is essential to sustaining your energy, health, and passion for teaching. The slowness of December gives us a chance to hit pause and focus on some much-needed self-care. Below is a list of 25+ simple but impactful practices that every yoga teacher should try.

Self care practices for yoga teachers
  1. Spend 30 minutes before class in silence
  2. 15 minutes after class in reflection
  3. Wash your hands after every class
  4. Attend a yoga class regularly where you are just the student. Nothing else…
  5. Plan your class at least a day before you teach
  6. Read or listen to something pleasant or uplifting before teaching
  7. Nourish your throat with herbal tea or electrolytes based on weather
  8. Get a monthly massage
  9. Save money
  10. Make your practice space at home sacred
  11. Read a yoga book often & slowly
  12. Attend a yoga workshop once a year as a ritual
  13. Stay in the presence of a yoga community of mentors
  14. Listen to the Let’s Talk Yoga podcast
  15. Sleep well
  16. Stop consuming a lot of yoga online
  17. Nourish your body
  18. Invest in lifting weights & explore other movement modalities for fun
  19. Have a grounding practice daily
  20. Make your breath your closest friend
  21. Learn to let go
  22. Express gratitude to your teachers
  23. Spend time in reflection
  24. Connect with nature
  25. Smile often to yourself
  26. Soften your face several times a day

These practices are not just suggestions—they’re essential for maintaining your energy, mental clarity, and love for teaching. Yoga teaching can be rewarding, but it also requires a lot of physical and mental energy. Prioritizing your self-care allows you to continue giving your best to your students and community. This December, make these practices a part of your routine and experience the powerful impact they can have on your well-being.

And don’t forget to tune into the Let’s Talk Yoga podcast, where we dive deeper into these topics and more. You’ll find valuable tips, conversations, and inspiration to help you thrive as a yoga teacher.

Happy Holidays from me to you.


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