Home Practice Aham Yoga: 11 Years of Community, Growth, and Yoga

Aham Yoga: 11 Years of Community, Growth, and Yoga

by Arundhati Baitmangalkar

Eleven years ago, Aham Yoga was born—though I never intended to be a business owner, much less a yoga studio owner. Today, I write to celebrate the incredible community that has supported us from the very beginning. Aham Yoga started small but has since flourished into a local yoga sanctuary with a global presence. This milestone is not just about our journey as a business, but about every single person who has walked through our doors, trusted our teachings, and fueled this journey.

From Humble Beginnings to Global Reach

When I immigrated to America 12 years ago, I was fresh out of teaching yoga in India, where my first studio was humorously named “Daily Yoga.” The name came from the simple belief that practicing yoga daily yields the best results. But when I moved to the U.S., I felt a sense of incompleteness—I had just started immersing myself in yoga, learning from my teachers in India. After spending nearly a decade in the fast-paced, often toxic world of Bollywood dance, yoga became a refuge. It transformed not just my body, but my mind.

Yet, when I arrived here, I knew no one. Most people who immigrate either come for studies or jobs, walking into established communities or networks. I had yoga, dance, and an overwhelming hunger to teach. But I was navigating a world that felt disconnected from the authentic yoga I had learned. Back then, there were no yoga teachers in my area who looked or sounded like me. And the way yoga was being offered here left me feeling disillusioned. I didn’t resonate with the studios or the teachings around me.

But I knew I wanted to teach, and that’s where Aham Yoga’s story began—with just six students. Social media wasn’t the powerhouse it is today, so word of mouth became our lifeline. Our studio started with a few basic classes a week, in a small, unadorned space. We had minimal props, no blinds, no cooling—yet the yoga spoke for itself. Slowly, those classes began to fill up, and our community started to grow.

But before we go into our history. I must stop to acknowledge the team that makes up Aham Yoga. Jamie, Srujana, Michelle, Nimisha, Swaroopa, Gayathri and Sahana. Powerfully kind, generous, sincere women who treat Aham Yoga as their own. Who have made yoga an integral part of their lives and show up to serve you for years. They all started just like you as students and then were drawn into yoga and decided to study it indepth at Aham Yoga. If you haven’t taken a class with them yet, make sure you do. Aham Yoga wouldn’t be what it is today without each of them.

A Community-Fueled Studio

What started as a modest operation grew organically, driven by the people who showed up for themselves and for each other. The community asked for workshops, teacher trainings, retreats, and more. In response, Aham Yoga expanded. This studio was never just about yoga classes—it was about creating a space where people could learn, grow, and find connection. It’s this community that has helped me call Redmond home for the past decade.

Along the way, I learned how to run a studio, build a team, and grow as a person. At 26, I was a business owner in a new country, with no prior experience running a company. Fast forward through all the tears, the triumphs, and the sacrifices, and here we are—standing strong as a local business with a global impact.

Aham yoga

Aham Yoga’s Global Impact

Today, Aham Yoga has grown far beyond the walls of our studio. We’ve made a significant impact in the global yoga world. Our Let’s Talk Yoga podcast is in the top 5% of podcasts worldwide—not just in health and wellness, but across all categories. We’re streamed in 212 countries, with close to a million downloads expected this year.

We’ve taught yoga teachers from all over the globe—Australia, Japan, Ukraine, the Netherlands, and more—virtually each year. Our Aham Yoga community spans continents, with 100s of teachers studying with us every week and thousands every year. And while you may not see this global reach if you’re a regular student at Aham Yoga, rest assured, our little studio in Redmond is part of something much larger.

Our YouTube channel continues to thrive, even though we now focus on sharing podcast episodes there. Earlier this year, our Jala Neti video hit 1 million views, earning us recognition as one of the best beginner yoga channels.

And while I don’t often talk about it at the studio, I’ve been fortunate enough to contribute to the yoga community in various ways—through writing for publications, serving on the board of yoga festivals, speaking at conferences, and teaching around the world. But to me, the most important work happens within the walls of Aham Yoga.

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A Heartfelt Thank You

To each and every one of you who has been part of Aham Yoga over the past 11 years—whether you’ve attended a class, joined a workshop, completed a teacher training, or simply supported us from afar—we are grateful. You are the reason we’ve come this far. Thank you for your trust, your kindness, and for being part of this journey. The team and I are very grateful for you.


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