Hi, I’m back with another look back of August. I’ve really started looking forward to these monthly lookbacks that I started earlier this summer. I enjoy reading your comments about your month gone by. I’ve seen people do mini versions of this on social media but I always thought it was a little too “I” centric and stayed away from them. But now I see these capturing moments into memories. Especially, because I hear people say how fast time is flying by. I’m usually a very present person. But even I forget what happened yesterday or the week before. Does that happen to you? For me, I’m wondering is it because my head is so full? I keep feeding it all the time with something from my phone, my thoughts, my to-do list? That it has a hard time remembering mundane events? How would you approach this?
August was wonderful. It’s the slowest month at the studio every year. So, I get to mentally disconnect from work more easily. I started a weekly Pilates class. Mainly because I need to work on my pull strength (yoga only has push strength). I’ve always wanted to add this to my fitness routine. I don’t know why I waited this long. I also signed up to start new classes at a gym. But haven’t started yet. My idea of downtime or a day off is to get some movement in. So I’m really excited to see how these aid my fitness goals. I workout and work on my health to age well and be independent, thriving for as long as I can.
My dad came to visit from India. My sister lives a few hours away in Portland, Oregon. So he shuttles between us. It’s always nice when he visits. He’s here for another month or so then he goes back to India.

Do you have friends like these? Where years go by & nothing changes.
I also started trying to learn modern lettering. I’ve always loved writing with my hand. This is work in progress. Let’s see how good I get. I’ve also been reading a lot. I read a couple of books on mental health especially depression, sadness, and how mindfulness can change your life.
September to end December is a very busy season for me. If I’m being honest, I’m a little anxious thinking about it. Because there’s a lot on my plate. Let me walk you through some of it. For starters, we kick off the 9th year of yoga studies and 200-hour yoga teacher training program at Aham Yoga. This means I’m teaching every weekend for the next 3 months. Without a break for about 8 hours each day. Anyone who teaches or has been in YTTs knows how intense (& fun) these can be. I can’t wait. Every year the group is different and it’s always new and surprising in so many ways.

This September I also kick off my dance season. I’m bringing back my Bollywood student production, Project Bollywood. This used to be a 100+ student annual production. If you’d like to treat your eyes to some Bollywood dance, check out this video of our last show. I love dancing though this body ain’t getting any younger. So it’s a juggling and balancing act between the schedules.
In my busy seasons, I’m keeping myself accountable to the following…
- To monitor and lower my screen time on my phone. It’s better for my mental health to limit this to 2 or 3 mini segments of use each day.
- To not cut off from my friends, this is a big one. I can isolate and get lost in my work. I’ve done this far too often. So I’m making a public commitment to stay in touch with my core friends, be social, and not just work all the time
- To do my morning yoga practice even if I’m tired or sore.
- Meditate and improve my mind. Once every morning. I take the weekends off from meditation.
- Spend time in nature. Seattle weather is going from sunny and warm to cold, wet, dark, and grey. So it’s really necessary to call this out. To go smell the fresh air and be in the trees.
- To nourish my body with good, home food when possible.
- Sleep well & take an afternoon nap or do a bout of yoga nidra mid-day.
All simple things. But I believe these are the core. This helps build the foundation. Tell me, how do you cope in busy seasons?
September has just started and I’d love to hear what is lighting up for your soul this month? For the record, I always want the long form when I ask, how you are:)
See you next month here. But plenty happening at the studios, on the Let’s Talk Yoga podcast, and, social media.
Much love,