This yoga sequence will help you build up to Bakasana (crow pose). An intimadating arm balance for anyone who has not tried it yet. But a comfortable one for those who are seasoned yoga practitioners. Whether you are new to arm balance yoga practice or not, this blog will help you develop smart, effective yoga sequencing that will make Bakasana more achievable. Bakasana (crow pose) is a yoga pose that demands focus, control, mobility, strength, and patience. With continuous focus and dedication, most people can easily learn how to do Bakasana. Below is a popular sequence I teach often at Aham Yoga. This sequence mainly deconstructs aspects of Bakasana – like the deep squat, hip mobility, inner thigh opening, arm strength, and helps learn individual aspects of the pose before putting it together in Bakasna. So lets get you started.
What you need:
- A nonskid yoga mat
- A yoga strap
- A blanket
Practice level:
Level 1 and above
- Wrist injury
- Menstruation
- Pregnancy
- Knee injury
Build up to Bakasana (60 minutes sequence) by Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Supta Padangushtasana 2/Supine Hand to Big Toe Pose
Repetition – 2 times on each side. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds each time
Area focus – Inner thigh opening
Kapotasana/ Pigeon Pose
Repetition – 1 time on each side. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds each time
Focus area – Glutes and hip flexor
Anjaneyasana/Low Lunge Pose
Repetition – 2 times on each side. Hold for 30 each time
Focus area – Quads and hip flexor
Trikonasana/Triangle Pose
Repetition – 1 time on each side. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds each time
Focus area – Inner thigh opening and external rotation of hips
Virabhadrasana 2/Warrior 2
Repetition – 1 time on each side. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds each time
Focus area – Inner thigh opening and external rotation of hips
Pasrvakonasana/Side Angle Pose
Repetition – 1 time on each side. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds each time
Focus area – Inner thigh opening, external rotation of hips and side body length
Kaliasana/Goddess Kali Pose
Repetition – 2 repititions. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds each time
Focus area – Inner thigh opening and external rotation of hips. I use the back of my hands to prevent the knee from rolling in
Frog Pose
Repetition – 1 time only. Hold for 2 minutes if possible
Focus area – Inner thigh opening and external rotation of hips
Baddhakonasana/Bound Angle Pose
Repetition – 1 time only. Hold for one minute
Focus area – Inner thigh opening and external rotation of hips. Press the arms down on the insides of the thighs
Upavishta Konasana/Seated Angle Pose
Repetition – 1 time only. Hold for one and half minutes
Focus area – Inner thigh opening and external rotation of hips
High Plank
Repetition – 10 repetitions. Hold for a breath each time.
Focus area – Chest, arms, shoulders and core
Practice Tip – high plank with forearms squeezing towards each other – will help engage the arms and chest more. Try this in your high plank each time in this sequence.
Marjari/Cat Pose
Repetition – 10 repetitions
Focus area – Rounding of upper back will help with bakasana upper body action

Marjari or cat pose
High Plank with Cat Back
Combining high plank with cat spine in this will help work the upper body strength and will make getting into the shape of Bakasana easier
High Plank with Knee to Shoulder
Repetition – 5 repetitions on each side. Hold for a breath each time.
Focus area – To learn to bring the leg over the arm
High Plank knee to shoulder
Malasana/Garland Pose
Repetition – One time. Hold for one minute
Focus area – Hip mobility and inner thigh strength. Also learning to get the arms on the inner side of the legs
Shift weight to the hands
Place arms atleast a foot distance away from the feet with palms wider than the shoulders. Lift buttocks off the heels and learn to shift body weight forward to the arms and hands from the legs. Gaze ahead and not at your toes.
Lift one leg off the mat
Maintain the transfer of weight on your arms and slowly pick up one foot off the mat and point the toes to the back of the room. Do this on both legs and repeat a few times. Take breaks as needed.
Lift both feet up
Finally, try lifting both feet up. Keep gazing slightly forward so you don’t fall on your face. And its good to place a blanket or a bolster to cushion your face in case you do fall. Only do this if you are progressing in the previous stages and be patient and cautious. Bakasana is not an overnight pose.
Let us know if you try this sequence at home. And how it went for you in the comments section below.