Adhomukha Virasana/Resting Hero’s pose
- Bring both big toes to touch. Keep the knees apart, slightly wider than the hips.
- Bring the buttocks onto the heels, and press down on the heels. Use a blanket or a bolster, if you find this challenging.
- Fold forward without lifting the hips off the heels. Place a block under the forehead allowing it to take the weight of the head.
- Arms stretched out to the front, shoulder width apart.
- Let the exhalations become longer than the inhalations.
- Hold the pose for 1 or 2 minutes. No upper limit. The longer the better.
Adhomukha Swanasana/Downward Facing Dog Pose with Head Support
- Start on all fours. Lift the knees off the floor and draw the hips up and back.
- Keep all the limbs shoulder distance apart. Drop the head onto the block.
- Keep the spine long. Arms and legs straight as well.
- Let the breath be slow with longer exhalations.
- Hold for about 30 seconds or a little longer with no strain. Then rest in adhomukha virasana and repeat twice.
Prasarita Padottanasana/ Standing Wide Leg Forward Fold

In this pose, the hips are directly over the ankles. This makes it a semi-inversion. We are starting to reverse normal patterns here. One cannot continue to be lost in anxious thoughts while inverting. Here, the person is forced to return to the present moment even if it brief, helping to get rid of anxiety. Also, inverted poses help to correct breathing patterns – it’s true gem. The moment we fix the breath, anxiety disappears. The breath becomes a deep anchor for anyone who has anxiety. Remember how we are told to take a deep breath when things get stressful? It is because the breath can counter the anxiety of the mind.
- Stand with your feet about 3.5 to 4 feet apart. Keep the legs active.
- Fold forward at the hip and keep the spine long without rounding the back
- Place the forehead on the block, and let the legs hold the weight of the body. Arms supporting the body lightly.
- Do not press the weight into the head.
- Hold with longer exhalations for a minute or more, and then slowly move out of the pose. Repeat adhomukha virasana again.
Supta Baddhakonasana- Supine Bound Angle Pose.

Brahmahari/Humming Bee Pranayama.

- Sit comfortably with a straight spine and open chest.
- Inhale, close the ears with the index fingers.
- On the exhale, make the humming ‘mmmmmmmmm’ sound for the duration of the out breath.
- Take a recovery breath, and do 7 more rounds.
- Release the hands and rest in shavasana.
1 comment
These are wonderful suggestions. Love the breakdown of instructions, along with explanations and benefits. Looking forward to trying the Humming Bee.
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