We all love doing up and down dogs in a yoga class. But there is a lot more to Updog than what meets the eye. Let’s explore this pose in some detail.
The real name of this pose is “Urdhva Mukha Swanasana”. When broken down ‘Urdhva’ = upward, ‘mukha’ = face, ‘swana’ = dog, ‘asana’ = pose

Urdhva mukha swanasana (Upward facing dog)
- Rejuvenates the spine – beneficial for people with stiff backs, lumbago, sciatica and slipped or prolapsed discs of the spine
- Lungs gain elasticity
- Improves blood circulation to the pelvic region
- Builds awareness in legs and arms
- Strengthens the arms
- Helps to open the shoulder joint
- Stretches the front of the body
- Keeps the ankle joints healthy
- Start in prone position with palms on the floor by the sides of the chest and toes pointing back
- Inhale, raise the head and chest up, straightening the arms and locking the elbows
- Lift the pelvis, thighs and knees away from the floor; the weight of the body should reston the palms and on the instep of the feet
- Keeping elbows locked, roll shoulders back and lift the chest further and bring it forward and through the arms
- Lengthening the back of the neck, keep the gaze forward and slightly above eye level.
- To come out of the pose, bend the elbows and lower the trunk back to the floor
- Shoulders not rolling back
- Elbows bending
- Palms not spreading
- Weight rolling to outer edge of the hand
- Legs together
- Body not lifting
- Chest not expanding
If wrists, elbows or shoulders are weak and cannot bear the weight, turn palms out away from the body; with time this will build strength, which will develop the ability to do the full classical pose
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